Episode 4

Published on:

13th May 2018

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec 4 Chap. 1 “The Power of Torah & Prayer”

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “The Power of Torah & Prayer” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 1 The Alter Rebbe begins with A Blessing & Thanksgiving for “Good” Good is the study of torah. (Finishing studying Talmud in the community) As torah fuels & elevates the soul. Torah Shebal Peh is Strength as it’s source is Binah which is inline with Gevurah. As king Soloman says in proverbs חגרה בעוז מתניה just like in a physical body the מתנים hold the body & lead it the same is true with the spiritual being that the מתנים which is the faith in the one G-D, infinite G-D, ממלא, סובב no place where Hashem is not, al the way high, all the way low, all 4 sides. This meditation that Hashem is everywhere in space is also time & soul. עולם שנה ונפש This faith (מתנים) allows one to meditate on the greatness of Hashem & nevertheless Hashem chose us to be close to & to be able to cleave to Hashem thru Teshuva & Mitzvot greater then the connection in the world to come as the world to come is only a ray & this world is Hashem itself. As king David says in psalms הודו על ארץ ושמים however וירן קרן לעמו we connect to Hashem essence. When we meditate how Hashem loves us we in turn develop. A. Intellectual love. B. Natural love of yearning. C. Love to become one with Hashem & not want to disconnect. A. Is Rosh B & C is Ahava & Yirah the right & left arm. The power that feeds the faith that then strengthens the Intellectual meditation as well as the love & awe of Hashem is: studying the Halacha of Torah Shebal Peh as this is the Ratzon Haelyon which is higher than Chochma like a crown on top of the head like אשת חיל עטרת בעלה & as the Talmud says כל השונה הלכות מובטח שהוא בן עולם הבא. This is the meaning of king Solomon חגרה בעוז מתניה that the עוז of torah strengthens the מתנים namely faith that feeds the intellectual meditation that creates intellectual love as well as emotional love & awe. The time for meditation is in the morning prayers as then the attributes of רחמים & רצון are very strong when one meditates during the morning prayers that will bring out the intellectual & emotional love & awe for Hashem. The Alter Rebbe encourages very strong to meditate during prayer up to the point where the love is bursting out of you as the verse says with your whole soul. The Alter Rebbe requests that the weekday prayer service should take one & half hours as such people that are running to work should not lead the service. On Shabbas business people can & should lead the service as they need to serve Hashem as well. The Alter Rebbe will send emissaries to see if one is meditating & will be rewarded. With good blessings & good is torah teachings & insights. Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class. Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/WY832hCWhZc Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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