Episode 4

Published on:

13th Nov 2018

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap15 “A guided tour of the 10 Sefirot”

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “A guided tour of the 10 Sefirot” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 15 The 10 Sefirot exists on multiple levels. In all the worlds, in us humans. The 10 Sefirot are a bridge between the infinite & the finite. The 10 Sefirot have two components the Light which are infinite & the vessels that are finite. Nevertheless the light & the vessels are one with the Ein Sof. As the Zohar says איהו וחיהו חד אינו וגרמיהו חד. In chapter 15 the Alter Rebbe gives us a tour of the Sefirot based on the Sefirot in us humans. As the verse says מבשרי אחזה אלוה just like the nefesh that is with in us the same way G-D thru the 10 Sefirot fills the world so if we explore our Nefesh the lowest level of the soul in this world of Asiyah we will have understanding of the 10 Sefirot on high. The Nefesh comes about thru the union of the 6 Midot & Malchus זו״נ & the intellect that gives birth to them the intellect is Chaya (Chochma) & Neshama (Bina) which comes from the vessels of זו״נ of אצילות that in there shines the infinite light of G-D so that we each are created from the 10 Sefirot that the infinite light shines into. Disclaimer: you can not compare the Sefirot in us to the Sefirot on high. Even though Abraham was totally humbled to G-D like a chariot to its passengers nevertheless Abraham said ואנכי עפר ואפר I am dust & ashes. As the Magid of Mezrich explained that to mean just like wood after it’s burnt so the Fire, Wind & Water ascend in the smoke what is left is the physical component of the original earth nevertheless you can not compare the wood to the ashes. Same is with the infinite Love & Chesed that Abraham had for G-D can not be compared to the Love & Chesed from on high. However it can be a glimpse & insight to the higher Sefirot. The ten Sefirot in our soul is the root of all our behaviors. Chesed is the energy that drives us to give & give with out limits. Gevurah is the energy that drives either not to give or give minimally. Rachamim is the energy that drives us to be compassionate for those that need compassion it is also know as Tiferet as it’s the balance between Chesed & Gevurah. Netzach & Hod work on refining the flow & how much to administer so that it is received well. Specifically Netzach will fight any obstacles that prevent the energy from flowing freely. Yesod is connection, when you teach with love & will, face to face, desire. Thru Das which is with desire & pleasure more & deeper intellect flow. These are the external Midot Chesed & Gevurah however the Internal Midot are Love & Awe when you connect with Love & awe that creates a internal deep connection. The source of these emotions are all based on the development of the Chabad חכמה בינה דעת the greater the Chabad & especially the Das that is how great the emotions both internal or external will be. This description of the 10 Sefirot so far were only a parable as it’s reference is to the נפש השכלית of the person that comes from קליפת נוגה that is a יש ומציאות & low level stuff. Now we explore the 10 Sefirot the way they are in the נפש העליונה האלוקית that the soul focus is G-D. Ahava & Chesed: As we love Hashem we want to follow in Hashems footsteps & practice Chesed the way Hashem practices Chesed. Yirah & Gevurah: To institute judgement for those that transgress G-Ds commandments. To use Gevurah to resist from sinning. As well as לקדש עצמו במותר לו since we have Yirah Hashem. Tiferet: To beautify all the Mitzvot, to praise Hashem thru meditation & verbal articulation. Netzach: to stand strong to serve & cleave To Hashem & not be allowed to let go of that strong passion. Hod: To acknowledge & be thankful that G- D created us & maintains us. Even though we don’t understand the greatness of G-D nevertheless we acknowledge G-D of how great G-D is. To be grateful & thankful for all the Good that G- D does for us. Yesod: To connect to G-D with Desire & pleasure. Malchus: to accept G-D with קבלת עול & to serve G-D with Awe. The 7 emotional Sefirot come from Chabad so now the Alter Rebbe will explain the 3 intellectual Sefirot on the נפש אלקית level. Chochma: The source of intellect that comprehends G-D his intellect & emotions, that run the world. Bina: meditation, to comprehend one thing from another, to give birth to emotions & love & awe for G-D, at times low level awe & at times high level awe, at times low level love & at times high level love. Daas: התקשרות הנפש to bind & connect the soul from the intellect to the emotions so that the emotions continue to be inspired as if Das goes the emotions go to its concealed state this level is Das Tachton. Das Elyon takes the Powerful light of Chochma & keeps it alive in Binah so that Binah can continue to expand & develop the light of Chochma. Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/Lt-F_b4ZzXg Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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