Episode 4

Published on:

17th Jun 2019

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap 25 “A easy way to live a Angry free life”

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “A easy way to live a Angry free life” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 25 The Alter Rebbe will explain a teaching of the Bal Shem Tov that states that the reason why one should not be upset if one is being disturbed while concentrating in prayer as hashem is the one that is allowing his speech to reside in the person distracting him. There was big opposition to this idea that Hashem would be involved in any destructive behavior. The Alter Rebbe quoted The Zohar & Rambam that state “Whoever gets angry is as if they are worshipping idols” The reason is as if you hade faith that everything is from Hashem you would not get angry. The person doing the damage is responsible for their destructive behaviors. However the person receiving the negative behavior is destined from Hashem for it to happen to them. As the person that is hurting him or her is doing it with G-D driven energy. As King David when he was cursed by שמעי he said that obviously Hashem wanted him cursed even there is no indication that he was instructed by Hashem. David’s reason was that if Hashem did not give him the power how can he talk. The Bal Shem Tov explains the verse in psalms לעולם ה׳ דברך נצב בשמים that the words that Hashem used to create the heavens are continually give the heaven life force other wise it would cease to exist. Unlike the philosophers who believe that Hashem created the world & walked away. As that would work in a creation of Yesh to Yesh not Ayin to Yesh which is much greater miracle than splitting the sea so Hashem needs to constantly feed it energy other wise it would not be. This energy is needed on all levels even the lowest level of Domem. The Alter Rebbe explains based on those that know חן the hidden secrets of the Torah the this דבר ה that is keeping the world alive is also called שכינה as well as אמא תתאה and מטרוניתא & the mekubalim call it Malchus as the verse says in Koehlet דבר מלך שלטון as hashem rules with speech. This ruling of Malchus is on many levels. Malchus of Atzilut gives life force to the high level humble souls of Atzilut like Moshe that the Zohar says the Shechina spoke thru Moshe. Malchus of Beria is the דבר ה that gives life to the souls of Beriah. Same with Malchus of Yetzirah Malchus of Asiyah gives life force to everything in this world even the earth & the water beneath the earth. The lands outside Israel the energy goes from Malchus of Atzilut to the officers in charge of the 70 nations & it hovers over it from there the energy goes into the nations, the impure animals (the pure animal receive from kelipat noga) so the energy in them are in exile as they call themselves G-D hence its pure idolatry until the messiah comes & Hashem purifies the world until then it’s called גלות השכינה as it’s divine energy that is dwelling in the lowest levels. The original sin of the עץ הדעת only the low & external (אחוריים) of hashem went into exile however now that we are in Galut so the פנימיות the internal part of hashem is with us in exile as the Talmud says גלו לאדום שכינה עמהם. Our soul is made of 10 sefirot even though it’s all from hashem. Our intellect חבד mirrors the intellect above אב ואם. Our emotional אהבה ויראה sefirot mirrors the emotional זעיר אנפין sefirot above. Our speech mirrors mirrors the speech above which is called מלכות ושכינה. So when we talk words of Torah we awaken the the speech on high which is the Shechina hence we rule that Shema, grace after meals & Torah needs to be articulated & we can not just think it. The souls of idolaters also have 10 sefirot that receive their life force from 10 impure crowns it’s explained in the Zohar based on the verse in kohelet אשר שלט האדם באדם לרע לו that the reason the nations of the world rule over us is that we can elevate the sparks of holiness that exist in Kelipot. Nevertheless the energy that are in kelipot are external (אחוריים) of holiness hence their pleasures & success. However we receive direct from hashem as the verse says יאר ה׳ פניו אליך. After this True presentation that Hashem is totally in charge there is no reason to be angry other wise that would be idolatry. To reach this level you tremendous spiritual strength. How do you get this strength? To meditate on the fact that Hashem went into the deepest Galus just that you can elevate the sparks by working harder on your concentration from the depths of your heart to the point that you don’t hear any noise. Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/gRIRAYpmHMM Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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