Episode 4

Published on:

4th Mar 2019

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Sec4 Chap 20 “A exciting new perspective to Mitzvot"

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “A exciting new perspective to Mitzvot as they are created from the infinite light of Hashem” Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 20 The Zohar says the “איהו וחיהו חד איהו וגרמיהו חד” The Ten Sefirot of atzilut the light & vessels are all G-Dly unlike in בי״ע the question is how can the infinite light be one with the vessels as the vessels are finite? The Alter Rebbe explains that the vessels unite with the infinite light to create יש מאין they are one in terms of the Partnership. Unlike the process of עילה ועלול where each sefira causes the next one & is nullified to the higher level as in the Sun & it’s ray that even with all the tzimzumim it will never be disconnected. Only in the process of יש מאין can you have some thing called ״בריאה״ From Hashem’s perspective the יש is totally Batul as כולה קמיה כלא חשיב. From our perspective the יש is totally independent & disconnected for 2 reasons. 1) as we don’t comprehend Hashem so we call it אין 2) as it does not exist in our reality just like in a rock there is no intellect. The beginning of the process of the יש that is disconnected are from the vessels of the ten Sefirot of Briya, Yetzira & Asiya & the light of Nefesh & Ruach. They are created from the Neshama of the 10 Sefirot of Briya, Yetzira & Asiyah which are G-Dly which comes from the 30 (as each of the 10 Sefirot is made up of 3 beginning, middle & end) vessels of Malchus of Atzilut. In Atzilut there is the יש הנאצל (not the יש הנברא) which are the היכלות that are עיגולים also the bodies of the angels that are not humbled like in the עילה ועלול process as they are like יש מאין of the world of אצילות. The souls of the angels that were created from זווג הנשיקין & the human souls that were born from the זווג דזעיר אנפין ונוקבא דאצילות are not יש rather are אלוקות however thru the tzimtzum & Kav they exist in a finite reality. Since they are so holy there soul would leave their body if they were to sin as they can’t handle it nevertheless these angels & souls can’t create something from nothing. Something from nothing is only from the Ein Sof & thru that the vessels of atzilut have the shape of Midot that gives the creation limits & the feeling of its own identity & specifically thru Malchus. Malchus of Atzilut is the start of the creation of the יש in עתיק דבריאה which is Tanug the essence of Ratzon as Malchus is only on a disconnected entity namely יש as Malchus is called the revealed world as here Hashem’s revelation as here is revealed Hashem power to create something from nothing. This is the concept of נעוץ תחילתן בסופן where keser the highest level is connected to Malchus as Malchus is the one that has the Ein Sof power to create something from nothing it takes the infinite light of Hashem that comes thru the higher Sefirot & brings it into the next world as a independent entity. Mitzvot in its source is from אריך אנפין & Torah is from Chochma in the world Torah is from the ו of Hashem name six Midot & Mitzvot are from the last ה of Hashem name as what it’s in a higher source comes down to the lowest. There is a major Tzimzum between Atzilut & Beriya nevertheless the Kav pierces thru that allows the Ein Sof to penetrate after atzilut. There are levels of the revelation of the Kav. igulim where it is all equal. Yashar where there is a straight line that has different levels of energy. 1) הארה not etzem however the same mahus 2) Than there is a הארה דהארה of the Kav this is metzius 3) a הארה דהארה דהארה this is the way it’s in the metzius of the nivra But specifically in the lowest level is where you see the infinite part of Hashem as we see specifically the earth can produce close to Yesh Meayin as it has been created so. As we see it produces & grows & many types of tastes. As when it hits the lowest it created a אור חוזר the seeds rot & it keeps on growing every year as the Ein Sof power is in the greatest יש. That’s why in the levels of דומם צומח חי & מדבר the higher one feeds off the lower one even our intellect only operates if we eat as the story in the Talmud where Rav Nachman only answered Rabah after he ate fatty meat. This is also the reason for the physical sacrifices in the temple to elevate the lower level. This is the reason why physical Mitzvot are so important as the verse says היום לעשותם or as the Mishna says יפה שעה אחת בתשובה ומעשים טובים בעולם הזה מכל חיי העולם הבא. Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/stivyAURTos Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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