Episode 9

Published on:

24th Jan 2020

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Last Essays Number 9 “The Magical 24 Hour Silent Meditation”

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “The Magical 24 Hour Silent Meditation” Tanya Last Essays Number 9 SIYUM HATANYA IN FORT MYERS FLORIDA Based on the verse הוכח תוכיח את עמיתך the Talmud says even 100 times. The Alter Rebbe is pleading for us to have pity on our souls in 3 areas. 1. Prayer. Prayer is the service of the Heart to G-D. Prayer should be done. All together. One word at a time. No dreaming. No talking. The problem is not having a proper person to lead the service. The solution to chose people that are capable of leading the service. Either by lottery or majority approval. The requirements are. Saying each word. Medium pace. Loud voice. The community should gather around & pray with the same requirements. This Prayer practice will take away any & all struggles that we have. G-D should purify our hearts to serve him in Truth. Torah Study. To divide the study of the whole Talmud every year within each community. If it’s a big community to finish it multiple times. If it’s a small community to unite with other communities. All those that study the Talmud should recite every week psalm 119 as it has 8 verses per each letter of the alphabet. Fasting. When one sins. The way to cleanse yourself is via fasting. The amounts of fasts are listed in אגרת התשובה chapter 3. Substitute for fasting - Shabbas. Since we don’t have the strength to fast we can can use the advise from the Talmud כל השומר שבת כהלכתו מוחלין לו על כל עוונותיו״ “Whoever observes Shabbas according to its laws are forgiven for all their sins” The Talmud says specifically “כהלכתו Jewish Law” so we need to learn all the Halachot of Shabbas. To know what’s forbidden & to know how to prepare before Shabbas to avoid any desecration of Shabbas. “24 Hour Silent Meditation” Not to speak any unnecessary words on Shabbas G-D forbid. As it’s known to those that study the hidden teachings. That every mitzvah has פנימיות וחיצוניות the spiritual & the physical component in each mitzvah. The חיצוניות of Shabbas is just like Hashem rested so we rest from any physical work. The פנימיות of Shabbas is meditation in prayer & Torah study to cleave to Hashem. As the verse says שבת לה׳ אלקיך that we rest in a way that our soul gets deeply reconnected to Hashem our G-D. Specifically this is the פנימיות of the positive Mitzvah of זכור את יום השבת by meditation in Prayer & Torah study. The פנימיות of the Mitzvah of שמור את יום השבת is resting from speaking on Shabbas just like Hashem rested from speaking on Shabbas the ten utterances that we’re said the 6 days of creation. The חיצוניות is no physical work the פנימיות is no speech. The Alter Rebbe finishes off with a quote from King Solomon’s ecclesiastes that says זה לעומת זה that both sides are equal namely that The not speaking creates the same rest & spiritual elevation as does the meditation in Prayer & Torah study. Interesting the verse speaks about when life is great we are to be grateful & when life is challenging we’re to look & contemplate as both are from the same loving G-D hence the power of silence. Mazal Tov !!! A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/aVEJp4jrHCM Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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