Episode 7

Published on:

29th Nov 2019

Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Last Essays Number 7 "Charity brings Love & Humility to the Heart"

A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “The powerful impact of Charity to draw down Love & Humility to the essence of your Heart” Tanya Last Essays Number 7 The Alter Rebbe quotes from the prophet Amos וצדקה כנחל איתן that charity will be revealed with great strength like the strong stream that flows with great strength. The Alter Rebbe explains the mystical insight to the verse נחל is a reference to the flow & איתן is a reference to חכמה. There are 3 interpretations to איתן they are תוקף, קשה ויושן which are all found in the חכמה of the נשמה of every Jew as the letter Yud is a Dot with a Point on top & on bottom which is a נקודה בהיכלא that from the Dot-the humility of Chochma it is drawn in to The chamber of Bina which is than drawn into the essence of the heart so that the essence of the heart gets to experience the Humilty & Love of the total nullification of Chochma. Chochma is called תרין ריעין דלא מתפרשין as you need Chochma for the world to continue to exist. The four letters that make up the word איתן are all a reference to the future so איתן that has all 4 letters is a reference to a future revelation when Moshiach will be revealed as then the infinite light & the oneness of Hashem into the essence of our heart. Thru drawing down the נחל איתן a reference to חכמה עילאה that will light up the essence of our hearts. The depths of our hearts will be nullified in the oneness of Hashem. By taking off the ערלת הלב מתאוות גשמיות As the חכמה will light up the Heart. The alter Rebbe says this experience that humility & love of חכמה should shine in our essence of our hearts is possible during exile as well. By awakening רחמים רבים העליונים on the fact that the spark of Hashem is in Galus because as long as חכמה עילאה is not revealed & felt in the Heart The spark is in exile as it can’t express it’s true powers in a revealed way. Thru the רחמים רבים it goes out from exile & it shines in the essence of the heart till it wants to cleave & unite with Hashem. As the verse in the Prophet ישעי׳ says ליעקב אשר פדה את אברהם the simple meaning is that the reason why Abraham was saved from the furnace so that Yaakov can be born in the future. The spiritual meaning is that when what Abraham represents Love & Kindness is concealed we need Yaakov that represents Rachamim compassion to reveal the love & kindness that’s concealed. The Alter Rebbe brings from the Zohar that אתערותא דלתתא אתערותא דלעילא that when we awaken with in us רחמים רבים which is the attributes of רחמנים וגומלי חסדים to help materially with Gold & Silver the charity causes the flow of the pure intellect of love & humility into the essence of our hearts. The Alter Rebbe quotes from Job that says כי עור בעד עור וכל אשר לאיש יתן בעד נפשו that when it comes to saving the G-Dly Soul you should be willing to do anything in other words to give with out limit so that your life should be filled with the life of the infinite light. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 www.Chabadswf.org Rabbi@chabadswf.org A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: youtu.be/BkPEh5iKieg Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs: podcast@habet.dev

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Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
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